Giving to Us
God has entrusted us with our financial resources to partner with Him in the gospel mission. We encourage you to join in God’s mission through your giving.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. 2Cor. 8:9
You can give electronically using the details below.
Account Name: Lidcombe General
BSB: 032-070
Account Number: 544624
BSB: 032-070
Account Number: 544624
Please specify which congregation or purpose it is for: English/Mando/Canto/Thxgiv/CMS/OMF.
We are hoping to have an online giving method in our website in the future. Please stay tuned for it.
We are hoping to have an online giving method in our website in the future. Please stay tuned for it.